Preparing to move to a temporary home

Plenty of us find ourselves in temporary accommodation from time to time. Whether we’re between house moves and want to avoid being stuck in a chain, or our home is undergoing a major renovation that requires us finding somewhere else to lay our heads for a couple of weeks. Whether you’re staying in a hotel, with friends and family, or have taken up a short-term apartment lease, one question remains: what do you do with all your belongings?

At MIGHTY Self Storage in Leicester, we have been helping our local customers look after their belongings while in temporary accommodation. Here is just a few ways that personal storage units can help you make the best of the situation.

Personal Storage Units

You might be lucky enough to have family members who don’t mind you bringing your personal belongings with you when you move in. Maybe they have a spare shed or an empty garage you can use to keep everything in one space. While that’s very nice of them, it may not be ideal for you. For starters, it’s an imposition on your friends or family, and nobody likes to do that.

Secondly, everything tends to get a bit cramped, as you try to fit a home’s worth of stuff into such as small space. As well as that, you want to be able to access your stuff as and when you need to. With personal storage units, you can choose a storage solution that gives you all the space you need to comfortably store your belongings safely. With 24 hour access, you can lay your hands on the things you need any time you want.

Secure domestic storage

Another important consideration is how safe your belongings are. If you keep them in a friend’s shed, they might be an easy target for thieves and might not be covered under you friend’s home contents insurance. Likewise, if you leave your personal items at home during renovation work, they could get accidentally damaged in the process. In a self storage unit, your belongings are safe, secure and insured for as long as you need them to be.

Storing furniture

Maybe you don’t need to put everything into storage. Perhaps you’re having an extension put in or a wall knocked through and most of your items can be put under the bed or on top of the wardrobe in the interim.

What about bigger stuff like furniture? A personal storage unit is a great and cost-effective way to store furniture. It means you don’t have to spend a couple of months with a nest of tables or a Welsh dresser crammed into your bedroom, and you know it’s going to be safe from accidental damage.

Short and long term storage solutions

Self storage contracts tend to be flexible, which means you can extend them as you wish. Perhaps, once your home improvements have been completed, you quite enjoy the extra space now that some of your possessions are in storage. What began as a way to keep things safe has now become an exercise in decluttering.

As self storage professionals, we say go for it. Your items are still here when you need them, so why not make the most of your household space?

From everything from self storage in Leicester to storage containers Leicester and more, speak to MIGHTY Self Storage today. We are happy to discuss your circumstances and provide you with the perfect self-storage solution. Call the team on 0116 3653001 for a free, no-obligation quote.

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